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Chemical Peel

  • Includes hydrating/recovery serum(s), nourishing moisturizer and UVA/UVB shield - $65 (taxes incl.)

A chemical peel is a technique used to accelerate exfoliation to improve the quality and appearance of the skin.  Peels involve the application of a chemical solution to the skin to loosen dead skin cells and exfoliate the outer layer of the skin to make way for newer, regenerated healthier skin cells.  By exfoliating the skin's top layer, imperfections are diminished giving the skin an improved texture and appearance by reducing:


   -Sun damaged skin, Fine lines                             -Acne/black heads/whiteheads

   -Hyperpigmentation/brown spots/melasma      -Enlarged pores

   -Oily/dry/flaky/rough skin                                    -Acne scarring


Following a consultation, the correct peel will be chosen for your individual needs and concerns. It is important to note that results if they are to be obtained in a controlled and safe manner, are progressive, thus a series of 4-6 peels is recommended, 2 weeks apart.  


This treatment is a cosmetic treatment and no medical claims are expressed or implied. 


CONTRAINDICATIONS (those who should not have a peel):

Although it is impossible to list every potential risk and complication, the following conditions are recognized as contraindications for a chemical peel treatment and must be disclosed to your skin care therapist prior to treatment.


  • Active bacterial, viral and/or fungal infection of any type (such as Herpes simplex virus or flat warts).  

  • Active Acne and/or Rosacea

  • Autoimmune diseases: Procedure inadvisable due to possible reaction and compromised healing

  • Sunburn/Skin Irritation (including dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis): Due to skin irritation it is advisable to delay procedure for several days.

  • Diabetes (unless with physician consent)

  • Vascular and/or Suspicious lesions; Skin Cancer and/or ongoing cancer therapy: If cancer therapy has taken place within the last year physician authorization for the procedure is required. 

  • Oral blood thinner medications

  • Reactive/Sensitive Skin

  • Fever Blister/Cold Sores: Procedure may stimulate either if there is a propensity for them. Those prone to cold sores and wanting a chemical peel are recommended to pretreat with an anti-viral agent (example Valtrex).

  • Antibiotics: Procedure inadvisable due to possible reaction

  • Clients with Vitiligo should not receive chemical peels

  • Surgery or Trauma: Delay procedure until recuperation is complete

  • Hair Dying or Permanent: Due to the skin irritation from hair dying procedures it is advisable to delay procedure

  • Open wounds: Delay procedure until wounds heal

  • Recent Tattoos: Procedure should not be performed for several weeks in the areas involving recent tattooing 

  • Pregnancy/Lactating: Pregnancy/lactating must be completed before peel performed

  • Use of Accutane within the last 12 months (Accutane inhibits wound health and can induce abnormal scarring)

  • Family history of hypertrophic/pigmented scarring or keloid formation

  • Telangiectasia/erythema may be worsened or brought out by skin exfoliation

  • Facial surgery within 3 months


Generally, medium skin-toned clients are better candidates for chemical peels. If you have darker or very light/pale skin, you may also have good results, depending on the type of problem being treated.  But you may also be more likely to have an uneven skin tone after the procedure.


Skin sags, bulges, and more severe wrinkles do not respond well to chemical peels. They may need other kinds of procedures, such as a laser restructuring, a facelift, brow lift, eyelid lift, or soft tissue filler (eg. collagen). A dermatologist can help determine the most appropriate type of treatment for you.



  • Discontinue use of Retin-A, Retinol, Renova, Differin, Triluma, Tazorac or any other tretinoin products or any 'anti-aging' or 'acne' products 5 days prior to chemical peel.

  • Discontinue use of 10% or higher (to a daily total of 16%) Alpha Hydroxyl Acids, Glycolic Acids, and exfoliants 3 days prior to a chemical peel 

  • Discontinue use of Hydroquinone 3 days prior to a chemical peel

  • Do not apply topical acne treatments 7 days before a chemical peel

  • Do not receive injections of Botox, Collagen, Juvederm, Restylane, Perlane, or other injectibles at least 5 days before a chemical peel. 

  • Do not shave the day of a chemical peel

  • Do not have facial hair removal (waxing/laser hair removal/electrolysis, threading and/or depilatory creams) within 7 days of a chemical peel.

  • Do not wear any make-up the day of your chemical peel



For the first 24 hours after you have received a chemical peel, please adhere to the following:

  • Sleep on your back and use a fresh, clean pillowcase if possible

  • Shower with caution, do not place face directly toward showerhead 

  • Avoid sun and/or tanning beds

  • Avoid make-up if possible

  • Avoid excessive exercise, swimming pools, saunas, jacuzzis and/or hot tubs

  • Avoid chemical hair treatments (example: hair colour or perming)


After a chemical peel, skin is temporarily more sensitive to the sun, so avoid the sun for the duration of your treatment plan.  If no treatment plan is developed then avoid the sun for at least 7 days following your chemical peel.  If sun avoidance is not possible, use an SPF 30 (or above) 'broad-spectrum' sunscreen which will protect against the sun's UVA and UVB rays. Limit your time in the sun, especially between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., and wear a wide-brimmed hat.



Most clients who undergo this procedure have only a little redness for 12-24 hours.  Occasionally they may have slight flaking in a few localized areas for 1-2 days and/or their skin may feel tight and/or itchy. This is normal. In rare instances, an area of crusting may develop.  If this does occur, apply a small amount of petroleum jelly (such a vaseline) to the affected area.  It is extremely important you DO NOT pick, scratch, peel, pull or rub your skin during the time of healing (7 days following the chemical peel).  If you do, you may damage the underlying new skin and cause scarring or changes in pigmentation.


No microdermabrasion or other exfoliation treatments for at least 7 days after the chemical peel.


Do not have facial hair removal (waxing/laser hair removal/electrolysis, and depilatory creams) within 7 days of chemical peel.


During the entire time of healing (7 days) you should only use products recommended by your skin care therapist.  If this is not possible, use an unscented, non-comedogenic, dermatologist recommended moisturizer as often as needed.  Do not get collagen injections, Botox or apply any medications, hydroquinone, Benzoyl Peroxide and/or Alpha/Beta Hydroxy Acid (AHA/BHA) products to the area treated during this time or your skin may become irritated.  Do not use Retin-A, Renova, Differin, Triluma, Tazorac or any other tretinoin products for 7 days after a chemical peel.

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