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Eyebrow Microblading

  • Includes 4-6 week touch-up, aftercare kit and 20% off a 12-18 month Touch-Up/Colour Boost - $350 (taxes incl.) 
  • Service is 1.5-2 hours
  • Touch-Ups/Colour Boost (8-18 months post-treatment) - $150 (taxes incl.)
  • See 'Pictures' Tab for examples of my work

Eyebrow embroidery, also called microblading, is a method whereby semi-permanent pigments are placed just below the dermis of the skin with a fine blade for the purpose of creating lines (hair strokes) of definition to enhance the individuals eyebrows.  These lines mimic the growth of a person's already existing hair (if any) and create bolder, more natural-looking brows.  This service is custom designed for each individual client according to their face shape, skin-tone, eye color and hair color.      

                                                                                     AFTER                         BEFORE





How is eyebrow embroidery done?

After the initial consultation and the selection of brow shape, colour and placement your brow line will be cleaned up by removing stray hairs. An anaesthetic cream will be applied prior and during the treatment to reduce any uncomfortable sensation and to keep you comfortable. You may also take a pain reliever prior to the treatment as long as it does not contain aspirin.  Once the desired brows are traced, color pigments are placed just below the dermis of the skin with a blade, similar to that of an Exacto knife, so it’s very thin and sharp. There may be some redness and minor swelling from the procedure, but that should disappear within a few hours to a couple of days.  It is important to avoid scrubbing the brow area or picking off any scabs that may form in order to protect the new eyebrows.

How long will it last?

The colour of the initial service will likely fade by about 40-60% in the first 2 weeks so a follow-up session 4-6 weeks later is required.  Periodic maintenance, to ensure the freshness of the look, is also required but you can expect the enhancement to last 1-2 years before needing a re-touch/colour boost treatment.  Because this treatment is semi-permanent, it will require touch-ups from time to time.  


It is important to note that many factors can impact the longevity of semi-permanent pigmentation.  They include but are not limited to:

-Sun exposure: The sun will extremely soften the look of your tattoo, so sunblock should be used (once healed) to prolong your enhancement.

-Client's skin type: extremely oily skin tends to diffuse pigment 

-The regeneration of skin cells: The longer the regeneration takes, the longer the pigment holds.

-The speed at which the skin absorbs the pigment: The slower the absorption, the longer the pigment will hold.

-The choice of color: Some colors fade quicker than others, e.g. a blonde pigment may fade quicker than a dark brunette pigment.

-Bleeding during the procedure: Any bleeding during the microblading procedure will reduce the amount of pigment absorption.

-Facial products used: Abrasive products, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, etc over the eyebrow area can exfoliate the skin and fade the pigment.

-Smoking: Pigment will fade sooner

-Iron deficiency or Anemic: Pigment will fade sooner and bleeding/bruising may occur during and after the procedure.

**Please note that final results can not be guaranteed as each unique skin type will hold pigments differently and break down at different rates.  Everyone's skin is different and heals differently.**

​Is it safe?

As with any cosmetic procedure, eyebrow embroidery is safe just so long as you are careful about where you go.  In order to make sure you get the best quality treatment and minimize your risk for infection, make sure your technician is qualified and certified by a reputable company.  Sterilization is very important at Avra Esthetics.  All tools used are completely sterile to avoid the transmission of infectious bacteria. There is no reuse of blades and the client can see the packages opened in front of them.  All blades are disposed of in an approved sharpes container.

**Do NOT drink any alcohol or caffeine 24 hours prior to your appointment. 

**Do NOT take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, Advil and/or Ibruprophen 24 hours before procedure.

There are however contraindications to this service.  If you have 1 or more of the below conditions this service may not be appropriate for you:

  • CANCER – Cannot treat while undergoing medical treatment and must be in complete remission. Consult with physician prior to booking; approval is required.

  • HIV or HEPATITIS VIRUS - if tested postive for either the client cannot have procedure.

  • BOTOX TREATMENT - must wait for 3 months after treatment.

  • FILLER INJECTABLES - must wait for 6 months after treament.

  • DIABETES – Must be controlled for a minimum of 1 year before procedure. Anticoagulant and other medications may interfere. Consult with physician prior to booking; approval is required. 

  • PREGNANCY and/or NURSING - recommended to wait until pregnancy and/or nursing is finished. 

  • BLOOD CLOTTING ABNORMALITIES (eg. hemophiliac) – Consult with physician prior to booking; approval is required.

  • HEALING ABNORMAILITIES - clients health must be able to support proper healing; anyone having dificutly healing should speak to a medical professional to ensure that it is safe to undergo this procedure.

  • KELOID SCARRING – cannot have procedure due to increased risk of developing scar tissue.

  • HERPES – cannot have active breakouts during time of procedure. Prescribed medication must be taken for 3 days prior to procedure to reduce risk of infection. Consult with physician.

  • SKIN DISEASE or DISORDER – must be cleared of infection prior to procedure. Consult physician.

  • PSORIASIS or ECZEMA –Brow and forehead region must be clear.

  • ACNE – Brow and forehead region must be clear of breakouts. If taking prescribed topical or oral acne medication, consult with physician prior to booking. 

  • SUNBURN – Wait 2 weeks after occurrence.


  • CHEMICAL PEEL/MICRODERMABRASION - must wait 4 weeks after treatment.

  • SENSITIVITY or ALLERGY to ANAESTHETIC and/or METALS (blades contain small amount of nickel) Topical anaesthetic is used to numb the area during the procedure. Procedure can be performed with the exclusion of anaesthetic. Consult with physician regarding alternatives for pain relief.

It is important you check with a physician to ensure this procedure is safe for you if you are currently taking the following:

Blood Thinners                                      Sleeping Pills

Blood Pressure Medications                Hormone Replacements

Diuretics                                                 Antibiotics

Painkillers                                              Immuno Suppressants

Tranquilizers                                          Dermatological Medications (eg. Accutane)

Who is it for?

Eyebrow embroidery can be done on anyone (who don't have contraindications to the service).  Persons who:

  • Have over-plucked their eyebrow hair

  • Have thinning eyebrows

  • Don't want to fill-in their brows everyday

  • Have gaps or scars where the hair has not grown back

  • Are suffering from Alopecia (hair loss), weak or light hair

  • Want a particular shape for their eyebrows


Eventually, brow hair stops growing back so if you plucked away your shape in a desperate attempt to achieve the once-stylish super thin brows, eyebrow embroidery could be the solution for you!

How long is the appointment?

Appointments can be 1 1/2-2 hours in duration depending on the consultation and actual procedure time.  Rest assured you will never be rushed.  The client's comfort level at all stages in the process is top priority.  

Will it hurt?

Everyone's pain threshold is different and unique to them.  Numbing cream is used before the procedure begins and throughout to make the client as comfortable as possible.  Some clients fall asleep during the service!

Please note, you may be more sensitive during the application if you have fibromyalgia or are on your menstrual cycle.

What should I expect after the treatment?

The treated area may weep slightly for 10-15 minutes and may be temporarily sensitized after the treatment.  This is normal. Although using aftercare moisterizer every 2-4 hours is recommeded, as the skin heals it may form a crust and flake. Do not be alarmed and DO NOT pick at the treated area.  Scabs can pull the pigment and leave the area open to infection.  Dependant on client age and skin type the treated area should heal within 3-10 days, but it will be 4-6 weeks before the skin can be treated again thus the re-touch will be scheduled after this time.  Your eyebrows will go through several phases of healing over the next 4 weeks and it is important not to be alarmed but vigilant.  Eyebrows will initially appear darker and bolder due to natural scabbing and healing for the first two weeks. It may then seem like the eyebrows are getting lighter and some may experience the illusion that they 'disappear' only to reappear again in the follow week as the skin heals.  Most feel comfortable going about their daily lives and not taking time off from work during this period.

Post Procedure Care Instructions:

  • Avoid touching the treated area

  • Avoid using soaps, cleansers and/or creams on the treated area

  • Absolutely no makeup, skincare products, or sunscreen on treated area for at least 7-10 days following treatment

  • Do not have facial treatments, including but not limited to electrolysis, waxing, chemical peel, microdermabrasion 4 weeks after treatment.

  • No brow waxing or tinting one week before application

  • Avoid abrasive products, rough towels or similar

  • Do not use any form of bleach or deplitory products on treated area 

  • Avoid the sun and/or suntanning beds as it can fade the pigment and irritate the treated area

  • Avoid taking hot baths, saunas, steam or any other heat treatment for at least 7-10 days.

  • Do not use hot tubs and/or swimming pools for at least 7-10 days

  • Should an infection occur seek medical attention

Excessive fading may occur in sensitive skin types and for reasons we can not forsee. Multiple sessions may be necessary to determine causes of fading and to find the best approach for your skin. 

How do I make sure to get the best results?

The most common response is that the brow colouring is too dark. To make sure you get the best results possible, pre-select a colour with your technician. Keep in mind that the colour will lighten signficantly over the next two weeks.  It is important that client and technician communicate and collaborate on colour and eyebrow shape.  If this happens both will be pleased with the results.  


Remember:  Eyebrows are Sisters NOT Twins!  And symmetry, when mapped-out and measured by the technician, may be perfect but once the eyebrows come to life and start interacting with other facial features and expressions, they may have a mind of their own.  That said, it is important that the brows match the shape of the brow muscles so when they flex, the newly embroidered brow does not look out of place. With a qualified technician, this is not usually a problem however it is important to check.  Once the technician has drawn in a desired brow, check yourself out in the mirror before you go on with the appointment.  Make funny faces and flex those muscles around to see if you’re happy with the positioning.  

To ensure the best results it is imperative that post procedure care instructions are followed.

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